Christopher J Angles
Kansas City Criminal Defense Attorney - Missouri Law Firm
Kansas City Criminal Defense Attorney Christopher Angles is a Missouri criminal defense attorney whose Missouri law firm is committed to fighting your federal criminal, state criminal, or DUI case in Kansas or Missouri.
Christopher J Angles
1125 Grand Ave #1700
Kansas City MO 64106
Tel: 816 471-5777
Fax: 816 842-7331
Missouri DWI Kansas DUI Lawyer Christopher Angles
Chances are, if you are visiting this page, you want more information about DUI charges in Kansas or DWI charges in Missouri or need to retain a Missouri DWI lawyer or Kansas DUI attorney. It's important to note that Missouri uses the abbreviation DWI or Driving While Intoxicated, while Kansas uses the abbreviation DUI or Driving Under the Influence. Kansas City DWI attorney Christopher Angles can defend you against a Missouri DWI or Kansas DUI.
Whether you're in need of a Missouri DWI attorney or a Kansas DUI lawyer, Christopher J. Angles is here to help you. Christopher Angles is a Missouri DWI lawyer who has helped many clients avoid convictions, jail time, fines, community service, a permanent record and the other unpleasant consequences of a DUI or DWI arrest in Kansas or Missouri.
If you've been cited for Missouri DWI or Kansas DUI, it's important that you act now. Your driver's license is at stake - and in Missouri, you only have 15 days from the date of your arrest to request a hearing. Failure to do so will result in your driver's license being revoked. Contact Christopher Angles today for advice and counsel from a DWI attorney who has experience with the intricacies of mounting a Missouri DWI or Kansas DUI defense or Kansas DUI defense.
Don't make the same mistakes that most Missouri DWI or Kansas DUI defendants make. Retain a Missouri DWI or Kansas DUI lawyer NOW to avoid saying or doing anything at the time of arrest that will hurt your defense. Attorney Christopher J. Angles offers advice that will help in your defense against a Missouri DWI or Kansas DUI charge.
Do you need a DWI or DUI Lawyer?
Being charged with a DWI or DUI is serious business, and many of your freedoms as a driver and citizen are at stake. You need an experienced criminal defense attorney who understands the intricacies of Missouri DWI or Kansas DUI law on your side. Contact Kansas City DWI attorney Christopher Angles today!
